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CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002 + Crack
CompanionLink Pro Crack is a reliable software designed to facilitate the data synchronization between your chosen organizer application and a cellular cellphone. rather, the program supports information to switch between various debts, consisting of google, trade, or workplace 365 clouds. You may also like RAM Saver Professional Crack
CompanionLink Professional Full Cracked: This is a reliable application designed to facilitate data synchronization between your preferred manager program and your mobile phone. Alternatively, the program supports data transfer between various accounts, such as Google, Exchange, or Office 365 Cloud. CompanionLink Professional lets you instantly sync your calendar or contacts from your designated account to your smartphone. The program supports PC applications or web databases, including ACT!, GoldMine (with dBase, SQL, or Firebird), Google GroupWise, Highrise, Infusionsoft, IBM Lotus Notes, or Microsoft Outlook.
CompanionLink Professional Crack Key Features:
- Special Folder support in Outlook
- Colored Categories on your Phone Calendar
- PC-Side sync for Corporate Data (Act! IBM Notes, Groupwise)
- Special Security Needs (HIPAA, Blackphone)
- US Based Telephone Tech Support
- android Bluetooth Sync is rewritten! Works Great!
- Outlook Email to GoldMine History Scanning
- Revised Setup System
- Sync Outlook Flagged Emails/Contacts to DejaOffice Tasks
- Coming Soon: HTML Notes (Rich Text Format) support from Outlook
- iOS 13 and 13.2 (September 2019)
- Act! v22 (October 2019)
- GoldMine 2019.1 & higher
CompanionLink Professional Crack
Android Sync, iPhone Sync, Google Sync, Outlook Sync for PC and Mac. Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, Notes, Two-way or One-way. Categories. Guaranteed. CompanionLink will synchronize your PC data to your Phone and Tablet. We specialize in Contact, Calendar, Task, and Memo sync.
What’s New In CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002?
- Faster Outlook Sync! Works Lightning Fast!
- Improvements to Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Reconnection.
- New Microsoft Graph API using OAuth Login for, Exchange, and Office 365.
- Direct iCloud Sync.
- iOS 13 and Above (September 2019)
- Act! v22, v23, and v24.
- GoldMine 2019.1, 2020.1, 2021.1, and 2022.2.
Required Updates:
- Office 365, Outlook 2019 – We advise CL8 b8024 or higher
- New Laptop running Windows Store Office 365 – Requires CL8 B8028 or higher
- iPhone XS (2018 release) – USB Sync requires CL 8 b8022 or higher
- Google Calendar “Batch Endpoints – Requires CL 7 b7062 or higher
- Google Calendar “Modern Colors” (2018) – Requires CL 8 b8020 or higher
- Outlook 2003 or lower – Requires CompanionLink 7 or Lower.
- Windows XP & Vista – You can purchase CL 8 and then install CL 7
How To Crack, patch & activate CompanionLink Professional Full Version for free?
- Download the latest version from the below links
- Install the program & do not run
- Copy Crack And Replace To Install Directory
- Done! Enjoy CompanionLink Professional Full Cracked 😉
CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002 Crack Download Links:
Download Now
CompanionLink Professional Crack With Keygen Latest 2022
CompanionLink Professional is a rҽliablҽ application dҽsignҽd to facilitatҽ thҽ data synchronization bҽtwҽҽn your prҽfҽrrҽd organizҽr program and a mobilҽ phonҽ. Altҽrnativҽly, thҽ program supports data transfҽr bҽtwҽҽn various accounts, such as Googlҽ, Exchangҽ or Officҽ 365 Cloud.
CompanionLink Professional allows you to instantly synchronizҽ calҽndars or contacts from thҽ spҽcifiҽd accounts to your smartphonҽ. Ҭhҽ program supports PC applications or Wҽb databasҽs including ACҬ!, GoldMinҽ (with dBasҽ, SQL or Firҽbird), Googlҽ GroupWisҽ, Highrisҽ, Infusionsoft, IBM Lotus Notҽs or Microsoft Outlooқ.
Othҽr transfҽr sourcҽs arҽ Palm Dҽsқtop, Salҽsforcҽ, SugarCRM, Ҭimҽ & Chaos and Zoho. Ҭhҽ synchronization is pҽrformҽd only in onҽ dirҽction, from onҽ of thҽ abovҽ-mҽntionҽd instancҽs to a mobilҽ dҽvicҽ or anothҽr sҽrvicҽ.
Ҭhҽ supportҽd dҽstinations includҽ Android phonҽs, Applҽ dҽvicҽs, BlacқBҽrry, wҽbOS dҽvicҽs, Palm Handhҽld, Windows Phonҽs and various accounts. You can transfҽr data to DҽjaCloud, Googlҽ, Lotus Notҽs, Microsoft Outlooқ, Palm Dҽsқtop, Outlooқ.com, Exchangҽ or Officҽ 365 Cloud.
CompanionLink Professional Crack allows you to sҽlҽct thҽ transfҽr mҽthod, in casҽ you sҽnd data to mobilҽ dҽvicҽs. You can choosҽ to pҽrform thҽ sync through DҽjaCloud, dirҽct USB connҽction, via Googlҽ, DҽjaConnҽct USB, Local Wi-Fi or Bluҽtooth.
Bҽ surҽ to ҽntҽr thҽ login crҽdҽntials for thҽ accounts, sҽrvicҽs or databasҽs you arҽ using, if rҽquirҽd, for thҽ transfҽr to bҽ quicқly pҽrformҽd. You can crҽatҽ sҽvҽral sync profilҽs, in ordҽr to facilitatҽ futurҽ data transfҽrs. Morҽovҽr, you can ҽasily ҽnablҽ thҽ two-way synchronization.
With its light graphic intҽrfacҽ, CompanionLink Professional is a rҽliablҽ and simplҽ to sҽtup utility, for any typҽ of usҽrs. You nҽҽd to ҽnsurҽ thҽ rҽquirҽd connҽction typҽ bҽtwҽҽn thҽ PC and thҽ mobilҽ dҽvicҽ and providҽ thҽ authҽntication dҽtails, thҽn start thҽ procҽss with onҽ mousҽ clicқ. Morҽovҽr, thҽ program allows you to manually configurҽ additional sync catҽgoriҽs.
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CompanionLink Professional 10 Crack Full Version
CompanionLink Professional Crack can instantly sync calendars or contacts from specific accounts on your smartphone. The program supports PC or web database applications such as ACT !, GoldMine (with dBase, SQL, or Firebird), Google GroupWise, Highrise, Infusionsoft, IBM Lotus Notes, or Microsoft Outlook. It also offers a variety of offers, such as a 90-day money-back guarantee, free phone and email support, and free updates. Give them your Google credentials, tell them how to sync (both real and one-way, two-way), and let CompanionLink for Outlook do its job.
CompanionLink Professional 10 Crack Free Download
CompanionLink Professional Crack Free Download is a robust application that makes it easy to synchronize data between your favorite organizer software and your mobile phone. The Category Management feature in CompanionLink Professional allows users to create categories for contacts, calendars, and tasks that can be assigned to individual Outlook folders.
CRM databases like or Sage ACT! can be linked to this function. The software is compatible with Android, iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, BlackBerry, HP Web Operating System, Windows Phone, and Windows Mobile devices. CompanionLink Professional Keygen has multiple customization options and supports data synchronization.
CompanionLink Professional Crack + License Key
The CompanionLink Professional License Key with a simple graphical interface provides a reliable and easy-to-configure utility for any user. You need to make sure that a connection is required between your computer and mobile device and provide credentials for authentication. You can start the process with one click. When sending data to a mobile device, CompanionLink Professional Crack allows you to select the transfer method.
The only direction in which synchronization may occur is from one account to a mobile device or service. works with several phone platforms, including Android, iOS, BlackBerry, WebOS, Palm Handheld, etc. You may move data to Office 365 Cloud, DejaCloud, Google, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Outlook, Palm Desktop,, or
CompanionLink Professional Key
CompanionLink Professional Key can be a good choice for anyone looking for an easy and efficient way to sync personal data from accounts like Outlook to Android devices. This allows them to easily customize the details of the sync process, select categories to back up, or even format their Android mobiles if necessary. With a lightweight graphical user interface, CompanionLink Professional is a reliable and easy-to-configure utility for any type of user.
In addition, the program allows you to manually configure additional synchronization categories. Be sure to enter your credentials for the accounts, services, or databases you’re using, if necessary, so the transfer can be completed quickly. You can create multiple sync profiles to simplify future data transfers. Also, you can easily enable two-way sync.
Key Features:
- Outlook Android Sync
- Outlook iPhone Sync
- Google calendar synchronization
- Outlook for Mac Sync
- Plot! Synchronize
- Synchronize time and chaos
- Business Contact Manager
- IBM Notes Sync
- Novell Groupwise Sync
- Palm Desktop Sync
- Blue raspberry
- Windows Phone 7, 8 sync
- Synchronization with Windows 10 Mobile
- A telephone companion who works
- USB, WiFi, cloud sync
What’s New?
- Supports synchronization via the cloud, Wi-Fi, USB, or Bluetooth.
System Requirements:
- 1 GHz processor
- 256 MB RAM (memory)
- 150 MB free hard disk space
- Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10
- (32- or 64-bit, all
How to Install or Crack?
- Download the file from the link below
- Unzip the file
- Install the configuration, but don’t run it yet
- Done
- Enjoy
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CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002 Crack Free Download 2022
The most effective tool for PDA users of ACT!, GoldMine, and Lotus Notes is CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002 Activation Key. Your PDA investment goes further with CompanionLink. Increasing product availability and commercial relationship possibility CompanionLink Professional Crack Key can synchronize with the device directory if you utilize several databases. Additionally, three profiles can each be created for a different purpose. Compared to other synchronization tools, CompanionLink includes more CRM capabilities, including applications, groups, history, streaming, etc. all of your synchronization requirements. Therefore, when you need them, business hours, contacts, lists, symbols, and more are available.
The full version of CompanionLink Professional Crack syncs your computer data with that on your phone and tablet. Communications, brochures, tasks, and CompanionLink notes are our areas of expertise. Your device or other web applications and services that are supported will be synchronized with your GoldMine data. You have all the flexibility you need to connect two lines with CompanionLink Express. Additional options offered by CompanionLink Pro include wireless cell phone connectivity. synchronize various configurations, including libraries.
By using USB WiFi and cloud services, you may compel tablets and mobile devices to sync with Internet or database programs like GoldMine, Google, GroupWise, and Microsoft Outlook as well as numerous desktops like Desktop, Salesforce, and SugarCRM Exchange. It supports a wide range of mobile devices, tablets, and operating systems, including BlackBerry, Apple, and Android. Syncing data and contacts between your devices and accounts is simple with CompanionLink Professional Crack Free Download. This project supports both web-based and desktop software. Files can be transferred from a number of devices. This contains other phones and tablets as well as Apple, Android, Palm, and BlackBerry.
With CompanionLink Professional 2022 Crack, it’s simple to adjust configuration settings to suit your unique requirements. There are also transfer options. A USB cable, DejaCloud, local area network, Bluetooth, Google Sync, and other methods can all be used for synchronization. A category manager feature from CompanionLink Professional software may sync various Microsoft Outlook folders and CRM databases in a singular way. The program is compatible with apps, Gmail, and your Google account. These qualities, according to the argument, can reliably ascertain each file’s history without interfering with its operation. The necessary paperwork for the pertinent documents is thus finished. To accomplish this, the history file must be extracted from an Outlook folder with a category that corresponds to the folder name. This allows any smartphone to connect to every piece of information in the distinct Outlook folder.
One-way synchronization is not possible with CompanionLink Professional Full Crack. It begins with the previous illustration and concludes with a mobile device or similar service. Android phones, Apple phones, BlackBerry phones, WebOS phones, Palm PDAs, Windows phones, and other devices are supported by the plans. Also available are file transfers to DejaCloud, Google, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Outlook, Palm Desktop,, Exchange, and Office 365 Cloud. Please provide your credentials so we can act fast. Then, if necessary, log in to your account, service, or information.
Key Features Of CompanionLink Professional Product Key:
- Recent Release: Android Bluetooth Sync has been redesigned in CompanionLink 9! Works Perfectly!
- Support for HTML Notes (Rich Text Format) in iOS 13 and 13.2.
- Wi-Fi, DejaCloud Sync, and USB.
- Temporal Chaos Sync.
- Updated Setup System\sSync Emails and Contacts from Outlook Flagged to DejaOffice Tasks
- Individual Lotus Notes Sync.
- Original BlackBerry, BB Android.
- Cloud sync, WiFi, and USB.
- Sync with Google Calendar.
- Outlook Email to History Scan GoldMine.
- Desktop Sync for Palm.
- Phone Friend that Works.
- Standalone Groupwise by Novell Groupwise Sync.
- W10 Mobile Phones Sync.
- iPad and iPhone Sync Outlook, Exchange, and Office 365 from a PC or Mac via USB, Wi-Fi, or DejaCloud.
- 7-8 Windows Phone To Lumia phones, sync.
- Outlook for iPhone.
- Accounts, Tasks, and Projects Manager for Business Contacts.
- Sync Activities, Contacts, and History between Symantec ACT! and Sage Act!.
- Act! Outlook for Mac 2011 and 2015 both provide Sync to Google, iPhone, and Android.
- Sync for IBM Notes.
- fields handled by Windows 10 interface with Microsoft Outlook that are unique. Priorities for tasks, birthdays, the “File- As” field, options for sorting, and category colors that correspond to Outlook.
- DejaCloud Sync from PC via USB, Wi-Fi.
- Office for Mac Sync.
- Sync for Windows 10 mobile.
- Sync With Outlook, Act!, IBM Notes, and Palm Desktops, Google Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks
How you sync data is up to you. Get the highest level of data security using USB. All of your devices’ syncing is automated by the cloud. When you are in range, WiFi connects to your home or office network.
What’s New In CompanionLink Professional Product Key?
- To resolve a problem, note-limiting locations in Goldmine Sync were disregarded.
- There must be a law added! The DLL has a version number of 23.
- The issue that prevented automatic synchronization has been resolved.
- By eliminating HTML tags, the contact logs for Goldmine have been corrected.
- Teams’ invitation hyperlinks on LoTlook were not synchronized due to a bug that we have already fixed.
- Recently, new WiFi test logic was created.
- Updates are required! Your contact logs can be synced with the cloud using this.
- The Google photo contact issue for new contacts has been resolved via the People API.
- The legal problem needs to be solved! We can sync user channels thanks to Google’s new people API.
- The queries from Helper.exe did not materialize as expected.
- Images can now be cropped and pasted in LoTalk Contact Notes.
System Requirments:
- Title: CompanionLink Professional v9.0.9046
- Developer: CompanionLink Software, Inc.
- License: Shareware
- Language: Multilingual
- OS: Windows All
How to Install & Crack?
- First, you to download the software from the given button at the end.
- Uninstall the Previous version (if you are using any) with IObit Uninstaller Pro.
- Extract the RAR or zip file.
- Now run the setup and close it from everywhere.
- Now Open the “Crack” or “Patch” file (given), copy and paste it into the installation directory, and run.
- Or use the keys given to register the Program.
- All done!😉

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CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002 Crack With Activation Key 2022 [Latest]
CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002 Crack With Activation Key 2022 [Latest]
CompanionLink Professional 10 Crack is a powerful software that allows you to synchronize your PC data to your Phone and Tablet. It can also support data transfer between various accounts, such as Google, Exchange, Palm Desktop,, or more. It is a lightweight program that takes only a few resources from your computer.
CompanionLink Professional 10 Activation Key allows you to instantly sync calendars and contacts from your account to your smartphone. You can also choose between PC applications and web databases! You can also use Gold Mine (with D-Base, MySQL, or Firebird), Google Groupwise, HighRise, InfusionSoft, IBM Lotus Notes, or Microsoft Outlook. As well as Palm Desktop and SalesForce, SugarCRM, Time and Chaos, and Zoho are some of the sources of migration. There is only one way to sync, whether it is using one of the aforementioned mobile devices or another service. There is a collaboration between Android phones, Apple devices, BlackBerry, WebOS devices, Palm Handhelds, Windows Phones, and various accounts. The data can be transferred to Cloud, Google, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Outlook, Palm Desktop,, Exchange, or Office 365 Cloud.
CompanionLink Professional 10 Serial Key lets you choose the method of transferring data to mobile devices. You can sync using Google, DejaConnect USB, local Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth via DejaCloud, a direct USB connection. In order to speed up the transfer, you may need to enter your credentials, if necessary, for your accounts, services, or databases. It is possible to create multiple sync profiles to facilitate future data transfers. Furthermore, two-way syncing can be easily enabled. You can also download EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Technician 14 Crack.
CompanionLink Professional 10 Keygen is a reliable, user-friendly, easy-to-set-up utility for all types of users with its lightweight graphical interface. You will need to confirm the type of connection between the computer and the mobile device and provide the authentication information, then you will begin the process. The program allows you to configure additional sync categories manually as well. This Article is written by PC4Warez.
CompanionLink Professional 10 Key Features:
- Android Sync via USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud from PC or Mac for standalone Outlook, Exchange, and Office 365
- iPhone and iPad Sync via USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud from PC or Mac for Outlook, Exchange, and Office 365
- Sync Google Calendar, Contacts and Tasks with Outlook, Act!, IBM Notes, Palm Desktops
- Outlook for Mac 2011, Outlook for Mac 2015 – Sync to Google, iPhone, and Android
- Sync Sage Act! and Symantec ACT! – Activities, Contacts, History
- USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud Sync
- Accounts, Tasks, Projects
- Standalone Lotus Notes Sync
- Standalone Groupwise Sync
- USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud Sync from PC
- BB10, Original, BB Android
- Sync to Lumia Phones
- Sync to W10 Mobile Phones
- Office 365, Outlook 2019 – We advise CL8 b8024 or higher
- New Laptop running Windows Store Office 365 – Requires CL8 B8028 or higher
- iPhone XS (2018 release) – USB Sync requires CL 8 b8022 or higher
- Google Calendar “Batch Endpoints – Requires CL 7 b7062 or higher
- Google Calendar “Modern Colors” (2018) – Requires CL 8 b8020 or higher
- Outlook 2003 or lower – Requires CompanionLink 7 or Lower.
- Windows XP & Vista – You can purchase CL 8 and then install CL 7
- It saves time and money
- It is a lightweight program
- This utility has a user-friendly interface
- Easy to use
Software Details:
- Title: CompanionLink Professional v10.0.10002
- Developer: CompanionLink Software, Inc.
- License: Shareware
- Language: Multilingual
- OS: Windows All
System Requirements:
- Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 or Server 2003/2008/2012/2016/2019 (32-bit or 64-bit – all versions).
- 1 GHz or faster processor.
- 256 MB RAM (memory).
- 150 MB of free hard disk space.
How to Crack CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002?
- Download the file from the given link below
- Extract the file
- Install the setup but don’t run it yet
- Copy the crack file into the installation folder
- Enjoy the program
CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002 Crack With Serial Key 2022 Free Download
Download Now
About Author
CompanionLink Professional 9.0.54 / 9.0.55 Beta Crack With License Key Latest 2022
CompanionLink पेशेवर एक विश्वसनीय आवेदन की सुविधा के लिए बनाया गया डेटा तुल्यकालन के बीच अपने पसंदीदा कार्यक्रम के आयोजक और एक मोबाइल फोन है । वैकल्पिक रूप से, कार्यक्रम का समर्थन करता है के बीच डेटा के हस्तांतरण के विभिन्न खातों, जैसे गूगल के रूप में, Exchange या Office 365 बादल ।
CompanionLink पेशेवर की अनुमति देता है आप को तुरन्त देखने के लिए सिंक्रनाइज़ कैलेंडर या संपर्कों से निर्दिष्ट खातों के लिए अपने स्मार्टफोन है । कार्यक्रम का समर्थन करता है पीसी अनुप्रयोगों या वेब डेटाबेस सहित अधिनियम!, सोने की खान (dBase, एसक्यूएल या Firebird), गूगल कैलेंडर, Highrise, Infusionsoft, आईबीएम लोटस नोट्स या Microsoft Outlook के.
अन्य हस्तांतरण के स्रोतों कर रहे हैं, पाम डेस्कटॉप, Salesforce, SugarCRM, समय और अराजकता और Zoho. तुल्यकालन प्रदर्शन किया है केवल एक ही दिशा में से एक के ऊपर उल्लेख किया है, उदाहरण के लिए, एक मोबाइल डिवाइस या किसी अन्य सेवा.
समर्थित स्थलों में शामिल हैं, एंड्रॉयड फोन, एप्पल उपकरणों, ब्लैकबेरी, और webOS उपकरणों, हथेली हाथ में, विंडोज फोन और विभिन्न खातों. आप डेटा ट्रांसफर कर सकते हैं करने के लिए DejaCloud, गूगल, लोटस नोट्स, माइक्रोसॉफ्ट आउटलुक, पाम डेस्कटॉप,, Exchange या Office 365 बादल ।
CompanionLink पेशेवर की अनुमति देता है आप का चयन करने के लिए हस्तांतरण की विधि है, के मामले में आप डेटा भेजने के लिए मोबाइल उपकरणों. आप चुन सकते हैं प्रदर्शन करने के लिए सिंक के माध्यम से DejaCloud, प्रत्यक्ष यूएसबी कनेक्शन के माध्यम से, गूगल, DejaConnect यूएसबी, स्थानीय वाई-फाई या ब्लूटूथ.
हो यकीन है कि प्रवेश करने के लिए लॉगइन क्रेडेंशियल्स के लिए खातों, सेवाओं या डेटाबेस का उपयोग कर रहे हैं, यदि आवश्यक हो, के लिए स्थानांतरण करने के लिए जल्दी से किया जाता है । आप कर सकते हैं बनाने के लिए कई सिंक प्रोफाइल, सुविधा के क्रम में भविष्य में डेटा स्थानान्तरण. इसके अलावा, आप कर सकते हैं आसानी से सक्षम दो तरह तुल्यकालन.
के साथ अपने प्रकाश ग्राफिक इंटरफ़ेस, CompanionLink पेशेवर है एक विश्वसनीय और आसान करने के लिए सेटअप उपयोगिता, के लिए किसी भी प्रकार के उपयोगकर्ताओं । आप की जरूरत है सुनिश्चित करने के लिए आवश्यक कनेक्शन प्रकार के बीच पीसी और मोबाइल डिवाइस प्रदान करते हैं और प्रमाणीकरण जानकारी के लिए, फिर शुरू करने की प्रक्रिया एक माउस क्लिक के साथ. इसके अलावा, कार्यक्रम आप की अनुमति देता करने के लिए मैन्युअल रूप से कॉन्फ़िगर अतिरिक्त सिंक श्रेणियाँ.
CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002 Free Download with Crack
CompanionLink Crack is a practical and reliable data synchronization tool with concise GUI. It is able to sync data from your computer to your smartphone and tablet PC, giving your data security double protection, and saving you from the trouble of accidental loss of data. Moreover, it is very easy to use: just with one click, you can complete the synchronization operation quickly. Get companionlink professional free download with crack.
CompanionLink Crack provides Android Sync, iPhone Sync, Google Sync, Outlook Sync, …, and can synchronize contacts, calendar, tasks, notes, memos to Android, iPhone, Google, Outlook and other accounts or devices in one-way or two-way method, which is very convenient for the transfer of data. Besides, you are allowed to create multiple configuration files for synchronizations, so as to facilitate the future data transfer operations.
CompanionLink Free Download allows users to select the data transmission mode according to their actual situation. For example, you can choose to directly connect to the device via USB cable, connect with local Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, or sync via Google, DejaConnect USB, DejaCloud. Among them, unmatched data security can be achieved through USB connection, while synchronization across all devices can be achieved through Cloud.

CompanionLink Professional Features and Highlights
- Outlook Android Sync: Android Sync via USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud from PC or Mac for Outlook, Exchange and Office 365
- Outlook iPhone Sync: Sync iPhone without iCloud – USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud from PC or Mac for Outlook, Exchange and Office 365
- Google Sync with Outlook: Sync Google Calendar, Contacts and Tasks with Outlook
- Google Sync: Sync Google Calendar, Contacts and Tasks with Act!, IBM Notes, Palm Desktop
- CompanionLink CrackDejaOffice PC CRM: DejaOffice PC CRM for Windows PCs
- Act! CRM Sync: Sync Act! CRM to Outlook, Google, iPhone and Android – Activities, Contacts, Notes, History
- GoldMine CRM Sync: Sync GoldMine CRM to Google, and direct sync to iPhone and Android – Contacts, Nots, Calendar, History
- Business Contact Manager: Accounts, Tasks, Projects
- Palm Desktop Sync: USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud Sync from PC
- IBM (Lotus) Notes Sync: Standalone Lotus Notes Sync
- Time & Chaos Sync: USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud Sync
- Galaxy S Sync: Sync Galaxy S securely with Outlook and Office 365
- Nokia (Android): Sync new Nokia Android phones securely with Outlook on your PC
- OnePlus (Android): Sync new OnePlus Pro securely with Outlook on your PC
- Pixel (Android): Sync Pixel Phone securely with Outlook on your PC
- OnePlus (Android): Sync new OnePlus Pro securely with Outlook on your PC
- Gmail Sync: Sync Gmail Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks with Outlook, Act!, IBM Notes, Palm Desktop
- Sync Outlook Colored Categories: Sync Outlook Colors to your Android and iPhone
How to Crack, Register or Free Activation CompanionLink Professional
#1: Download and Extract CompanionLink Professional.
#2: Install the Setup file.
#3: Copy the “CompanionLink” from Crack folder to Overwrite install directory.
#4: That’ it. Done…!
CompanionLink Professional Full Specifications
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CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002 Free Download with Crack
CompanionLink Crack is a practical and reliable data synchronization tool with concise GUI. It is able to sync data from your computer to your smartphone and tablet PC, giving your data security double protection, and saving you from the trouble of accidental loss of data. Moreover, it is very easy to use: just with one click, you can complete the synchronization operation quickly. Get companionlink professional free download with crack.
CompanionLink Crack provides Android Sync, iPhone Sync, Google Sync, Outlook Sync, …, and can synchronize contacts, calendar, tasks, notes, memos to Android, iPhone, Google, Outlook and other accounts or devices in one-way or two-way method, which is very convenient for the transfer of data. Besides, you are allowed to create multiple configuration files for synchronizations, so as to facilitate the future data transfer operations.
CompanionLink Free Download allows users to select the data transmission mode according to their actual situation. For example, you can choose to directly connect to the device via USB cable, connect with local Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, or sync via Google, DejaConnect USB, DejaCloud. Among them, unmatched data security can be achieved through USB connection, while synchronization across all devices can be achieved through Cloud.

CompanionLink Professional Features and Highlights
- Outlook Android Sync: Android Sync via USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud from PC or Mac for Outlook, Exchange and Office 365
- Outlook iPhone Sync: Sync iPhone without iCloud – USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud from PC or Mac for Outlook, Exchange and Office 365
- Google Sync with Outlook: Sync Google Calendar, Contacts and Tasks with Outlook
- Google Sync: Sync Google Calendar, Contacts and Tasks with Act!, IBM Notes, Palm Desktop
- CompanionLink CrackDejaOffice PC CRM: DejaOffice PC CRM for Windows PCs
- Act! CRM Sync: Sync Act! CRM to Outlook, Google, iPhone and Android – Activities, Contacts, Notes, History
- GoldMine CRM Sync: Sync GoldMine CRM to Google, and direct sync to iPhone and Android – Contacts, Nots, Calendar, History
- Business Contact Manager: Accounts, Tasks, Projects
- Palm Desktop Sync: USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud Sync from PC
- IBM (Lotus) Notes Sync: Standalone Lotus Notes Sync
- Time & Chaos Sync: USB, Wi-Fi, DejaCloud Sync
- Galaxy S Sync: Sync Galaxy S securely with Outlook and Office 365
- Nokia (Android): Sync new Nokia Android phones securely with Outlook on your PC
- OnePlus (Android): Sync new OnePlus Pro securely with Outlook on your PC
- Pixel (Android): Sync Pixel Phone securely with Outlook on your PC
- OnePlus (Android): Sync new OnePlus Pro securely with Outlook on your PC
- Gmail Sync: Sync Gmail Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks with Outlook, Act!, IBM Notes, Palm Desktop
- Sync Outlook Colored Categories: Sync Outlook Colors to your Android and iPhone
How to Crack, Register or Free Activation CompanionLink Professional
#1: Download and Extract CompanionLink Professional.
#2: Install the Setup file.
#3: Copy the “CompanionLink” from Crack folder to Overwrite install directory.
#4: That’ it. Done…!
CompanionLink Professional Full Specifications
CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002 Crack + Activation Key Full 2022
Software | CompanionLink Professional Crack |
Category | Software |
Current Version | 10.0.10002 |
Fix | Crack + Activation Key |
CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002 Crack Latest 2022
CompanionLink Professional Crack Among them are GoldenMine, Lotus Notes, and GoldMine. PDA investment is more secure with CompanyLink. Business relationships will be expanded and product availability will increase. The device directory can be synchronized if you are using multiple databases. The user can also create approximately three different profiles.
There is no other CRM synchronization tool that offers as many CRM features as CompanyLink: applications, groups, history, streaming, etc. You can manage all your synchronization needs. CompanionLink Professional License Key So while business hours are closed, you’ll have all the information you need when you need it.
This software lets you sync data between your computer and phone or tablet. The CompanyLink note, communication, brochure, and assignment projects are our specialities. CompanionLink Professional Registration Number As well as supporting GoldMine data syncing with your device, Google Cloud Connect also supports web apps and other services.
It is possible to connect two lines with companion link express. Mobile devices can be wirelessly connected to CompanionLink Pro as one of its extra features. Libraries and configurations can be synchronized automatically. CompanionLink Professional Serial Code When it comes to applications like GoldMine, Google, GroupWise, and Microsoft Outlook, tablets and mobiles can be forced to sync via the Internet.
CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002 Keygen Update
CompanionLink Professional Activation Number Connects your devices and accounts so data and contacts can be synced. Both computer and web applications are supported by this project. A wide range of devices can be used to transfer files. You can choose from Apple, Android, Palm and BlackBerry devices. This allows you to configure the system according to your specific needs. It is possible to transfer funds as well.
CompanionLink Professional Registration Code The device can be synced via USB cable, DejaCloud, Bluetooth, local area network, Google Sync, etc. The latest version of CompanionLink Professional software now features a category manager that allows multi-folder syncing between Microsoft Outlook and CRM databases.
Additionally, you can use Gmail, Google Apps, or your Google account with the software. In this way, the file history can be accurately determined without interfering with the operation of the file. CompanionLink Professional License Key Therefore, the required documents for the relevant documents have been submitted.
To do this, a history file needs to be extracted from an Outlook folder whose category matches the folder name. CompanionLink Professional Serial Code Any smartphone can connect to all the data within a separate Outlook folder. Additionally, Palm Desktop, Salesforce, SugarCRM, Time & Chaos, and Zoho are all migration sites. Synchronization is restricted to one direction.
CompanionLink Professional Crack Key Features:
- What is a reliable application that facilitates data synchronization?
- You can sync your manager program with your mobile phone.
- Multiple devices can receive appointments, tasks, and contacts.
- Supports numerous accounts, including Google, Exchange, and Office 365 Cloud.
- Let’s synchronize your smartphone with calendars and contacts from specified accounts.
- Includes ACT! support for PC applications or Web-based databases. Microsoft Outlook, Google GroupWise, IBM Lotus Notes, etc.
- This version of CompanionLink Professional 2020 Keygen works on Android, Apple, WebOS, Windows Phones and multiple different accounts.
- In case you send data to a mobile device, this feature lets you choose the transfer method.
- It is possible to sync via DejaCloud, direct USB connection, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth.
What’s New?
- The People API has fixed the Google photo contact issue for new contacts.
- You are now able to crop and paste images in LoTalk Contact Notes.
- The contact logs for Goldmine have been fixed by removing HTML tags.
- It needs to be updated! It allows you to sync your contact logs with the cloud.
- A problem preventing automatic synchronization is fixed.
- The Helper.exe requests were not appearing correctly.
- A new WiFi test logic has been developed.
- The legal issue must be resolved! Google’s new API for people allows us to sync user channels.
- Note-limiting sites were ignored in Goldmine Sync to fix an issue.
- We have fixed an issue where teams’ invitation hyperlinks were not synchronized on LoTlook.
- The law must be added! The version number of the DLL is 23.
System Requirements:
- Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10 or Server 2003/2008/2012/2016/2019 (32-bit or 64-bit – all versions).
- 1 GHz or faster processor.
- 256 MB RAM (memory).
- 150 MB of free hard disk space.
How to Install?
- First of all, Uninstall the old software with IObit Uninstaller Pro
- CompanionLink Professional Crack Full Version with IDM
- Disable Windows defender
- Then, unzip the download file with WinRAR
- Please install the program but don’t run it
- Now, copy-paste the crack file to the installation folder
- Or, use any activation key to activate the CompanionLink Professional Crack
- Restart your computer
- All done!
Download Link
CompanionLink Professional Patch This example begins with a mobile device and ends with another service. Plans are available for Android, Apple, BlackBerry, WebOS, Palm PDAs, and Windows phones, among others. The following file transfer services are available: DejaCloud, Google, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Outlook, Palm Desktop,, Exchange. A cloud version of Office 365 is also available. Enter your credentials now to act quickly.
In case of need, sign in to your account, service, or information. CompanionLink Professional Keygen will be easier to transfer data in the future if you create multiple data synchronizations. It is also possible to turn on two-way communications. Mobile data synchronization is made easy with CompanionLink Professional Key, a trusted application.
CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002 Crack + Activation Key Full 2022 Free download given below this link


CompanionLink Professional 10.10014 Crack + Keygen 2022 Full Free
CompanionLink Professional 10.10014 Crack is the most potent tool for PDA users with ACT!, GoldMine, and Lotus Notes. CompanionLink takes your PDA investment more. Increase product availability and potential in business relationships. If you use multiple databases, CompanionLink Professional Crack Key can be synchronized with the device directory. In addition, approximately three profiles can be created for various purposes. CompanionLink has more CRM features than any other synchronization tool — applications, groups, history, streaming, etc. Manage all your synchronization needs. So business hours, Contacts, lists, symbols, and more are what you need when you need them.
CompanionLink Professional Crack Full Version will sync your computer data with your phone and tablet. We specialize in communications, brochures, assignments, and CompanionLink notes. It will synchronize your GoldMine data with your device or other supported web applications and services.CompanionLink Express has all the flexibility you need to connect two lines. CompanionLink Pro Crack 64 Bit includes additional options, such as connecting wirelessly to mobile phones. Synchronize multiple libraries and other configurations.
You can force tablets and mobile devices to sync with Internet or database applications such as GoldMine, Google, GroupWise, and Microsoft Outlook and multiple computers such as Desktop, Salesforce, and SugarCRM Exchange via USB WiFi and cloud service. It supports many mobile phones, tablets, and operating systems such as Android, Apple, and BlackBerry.CompanionLink Professional Crack Download makes it easy to sync data and contacts between your devices and accounts. This project supports both web and computer applications. You can transfer files from a variety of instruments. This includes Apple, Android, Palm, BlackBerry, and more phones and tablets.
CompanionLink Professional Crack + Activation Key Free Download Full Version
CompanionLink Professional Crack 2022 makes it easy to customize configuration options to meet your specific needs. Transfers are also available. Synchronization is possible via USB cable, DejaCloud, local area network, Bluetooth, Google Sync, etc. CompanionLink Professional software has introduced a category manager feature that can uniquely synchronize multiple Microsoft Outlook folders and CRM databases. The software also works with your Google account, Gmail, or applications. It is argued that these properties can accurately determine the history of each file without interrupting its operation. Therefore, the required documents for the relevant documents are complete. CompanionLink Professional Mac Crack is done by extracting the history file from an Outlook folder with a category that matches the folder name. This way, all the data in the separate Outlook folder can be connected to any smartphone.
Migration sites include Palm Desktop, SugarCRM, Time & Chaos, and Zoho. CompanionLink Professional Full Crack can only sync in one direction. It starts with the example above and ends with a mobile device or another service. Supported plans include Android phones, Apple devices, BlackBerry devices, webOS devices, Palm PDAs, Windows phones, and more. In addition, you can transfer files to DejaCloud, Google, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Outlook, Palm Desktop, and Exchange. Or Office 365 Cloud. To act quickly, Please enter your credentials. Then, sign in to your account, service, or information you use if needed.
You can create multiple data synchronizations to make transferring data more accessible in the future. You can also quickly turn on two-way connections. CompanionLink Professional Crack Key is a trusted application designed to make it easy to synchronize selected applications with mobile data. Or the app supports transferring data between multiple accounts, such as Google, Exchange, or the Office 365 Cloud, synchronizing mobile calls. Find conversations on your mobile device. Synchronization transfer synchronization CompanionLink Professional Crack Mac lets you instantly sync calendars or contacts from accounts connected to your smartphone. The program supports any computer or web application, including ACT! and GoldMine.
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Use the Companion Link if you wish:
- Support for specific folders in LoTlook.
- Color categories in the phone calendar.
- PC Side Sync for Enterprise Data (Action! IBM, Groupwise Notes).
- Special security requirements (HIPAA, Black Phone).
- USA US Telephone Technology Support.
Key Features:
- Enable two-way synchronization easily.
- Sync via DesCloud, Direct USB Connection, Google, disconnect USB, WiFi, Local, or Bluetooth.
- Data security compatible with USB Cloud is automatically synced across all your devices.
- In addition, it supports many mobile phones such as Android, Apple, Blackberry, WebOS, Palm, Windows Phones, and accounts.
- Supports data transfers to DejaCloud, Google, Lotus Notes, Microsoft LoTlook, Palm Desktop, Exchange, or Office 365 Cloud.
Other Features:
Look at Android sync.
Sync Android via USB, WiFi, and DejaCloud on your PC or Mac for an independent look, exchange, and Office 365.
Look, iPhone sync.
Sync iPhone and iPad via USB, WiFi, and DJ Cloud on your PC or Mac for PC Tluke, Exchange, and Office 365.
Google Calendar Sync.
Sync Google Calendar and Contacts, and work with Lot Look, Act !, IBM Notes, and Palm Desktop.
Lo, look for Mac sync.
Lo look for Mac 2011, look for Mac 2015 – Sync with Google, iPhone, and Android.
Take action! Timing.
Sync action! And Symantec ACT! – History of operational contacts
Am & Chaos Sync.
USB, WiFi, DejaCloud sync
Business Contact Manager.
Accounting, work, project
IBM Notes Sync.
Lotus notes independent synchronization.
Novel Groupwise Synchronization.
Sync group Sync Sync
Palm desktop sync.
USB, WiFi, and DejaCloud sync on your PC
BB10, Original, BB Android
Sync Windows Phone 7, 8.
Sync with your Lumia phone
Windows Mobile Sync.
Sync with your W10 mobile phone
Work companion phone.
Integrate Windows 10 with unmanaged Microsoft loop domains Task priority, birthday, “Close file” field, sorting options. And appropriate category colors for a lo look.
USB, WiFi, Cloud Sync.
Select the sync method. Get unmatched data security via USB. The cloud will sync automatically across all your devices.
What’s New in CompanionLink Professional 10.10014 Crack?
- The People API has fixed the Google photo contact issue for new contacts.
- Added support for cropping and pasting images into LoTalk Contact Notes.
- Fixed issue with HTML tags in contact logs for Goldmine.
- Update the document! Contact Log Sync Cloud Premium.
- Fixes an issue that prevents automatic synchronization.
- Fixed an issue where Helper.exe requests did not appear correctly.
- New, improved WiFi test logic.
- Solve the legal issue! User channels are synced with Google’s new people API.
- Fixed an issue with Goldmine Sync by ignoring note-limiting sites.
- Fixed an issue where teams’ invitations on LoTlook hyperlinks lost sync.
- Add the law! Version 23 DLL.
- Wrong argument error fixed by law! Premium cloud sync.
- Fixes an issue that prevents your LoTlook email history from syncing with DPC contacts (fix DPCCL).
- German translation update.
- Fixed an issue with changing auto-sync settings on multiple profiles.
- Customize the reduction process to improve speed.
- Updated Google OAuth login method with OOB changes by Google’s new standards.
- Act! to Graph now has specific field mapping options.
- The problem with Graph not accepting OAuth has been resolved.
- Fixed an issue that might have resulted in duplicate email-only entries.
- The wipe problem has been resolved. However, Google Contacts wiping is not complete.
- Fixed an issue where custom fields cleaned in DPC did not clear on mobile sync.
- New History result items for Email Sent and Email Received with DPC Outlook Email to History have been added. (DPCCL Correction).
Sync Multiple Data Types:
- Contact.
- Opportunity.
- Appointments, meetings, and phone calls.
- Alarm clock and notifications.
- Notes and History.
- Attachment.
- List of tasks and tasks.
- Touch for more information.
- User-defined fields.
- Contact names associated with activities, meetings, and tasks.
- Do things on your mobile device and sync them with ACT again!
- Sync data from multiple databases.
System Requirements:
- Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 / 10/11.
- 1 GHz or faster processor.
- 256 MB RAM (memory).
- 150 MB of free hard disk space.
CompanionLink Professional License Key
CompanionLink Professional 2023 Key
CompanionLink Activation Key
How to Install/Activate?
- Internet connection (highly recommended).
- Unzip the file and install the program. (Address settings).
- Do not open a program that does not work for you.
- Use the Task Manager to kill or stop the service.
- Copy the files extracted from the crack to the installation directory.
Mirror Link
CompanionLink Professional 9.0.54 / 9.0.55 Beta Crack With License Key Latest 2022
CompanionLink पेशेवर एक विश्वसनीय आवेदन की सुविधा के लिए बनाया गया डेटा तुल्यकालन के बीच अपने पसंदीदा कार्यक्रम के आयोजक और एक मोबाइल फोन है । वैकल्पिक रूप से, कार्यक्रम का समर्थन करता है के बीच डेटा के हस्तांतरण के विभिन्न खातों, जैसे गूगल के रूप में, Exchange या Office 365 बादल ।
CompanionLink पेशेवर की अनुमति देता है आप को तुरन्त देखने के लिए सिंक्रनाइज़ कैलेंडर या संपर्कों से निर्दिष्ट खातों के लिए अपने स्मार्टफोन है । कार्यक्रम का समर्थन करता है पीसी अनुप्रयोगों या वेब डेटाबेस सहित अधिनियम!, सोने की खान (dBase, एसक्यूएल या Firebird), गूगल कैलेंडर, Highrise, Infusionsoft, आईबीएम लोटस नोट्स या Microsoft Outlook के.
अन्य हस्तांतरण के स्रोतों कर रहे हैं, पाम डेस्कटॉप, Salesforce, SugarCRM, समय और अराजकता और Zoho. तुल्यकालन प्रदर्शन किया है केवल एक ही दिशा में से एक के ऊपर उल्लेख किया है, उदाहरण के लिए, एक मोबाइल डिवाइस या किसी अन्य सेवा.
समर्थित स्थलों में शामिल हैं, एंड्रॉयड फोन, एप्पल उपकरणों, ब्लैकबेरी, और webOS उपकरणों, हथेली हाथ में, विंडोज फोन और विभिन्न खातों. आप डेटा ट्रांसफर कर सकते हैं करने के लिए DejaCloud, गूगल, लोटस नोट्स, माइक्रोसॉफ्ट आउटलुक, पाम डेस्कटॉप,, Exchange या Office 365 बादल ।
CompanionLink पेशेवर की अनुमति देता है आप का चयन करने के लिए हस्तांतरण की विधि है, के मामले में आप डेटा भेजने के लिए मोबाइल उपकरणों. आप चुन सकते हैं प्रदर्शन करने के लिए सिंक के माध्यम से DejaCloud, प्रत्यक्ष यूएसबी कनेक्शन के माध्यम से, गूगल, DejaConnect यूएसबी, स्थानीय वाई-फाई या ब्लूटूथ.
हो यकीन है कि प्रवेश करने के लिए लॉगइन क्रेडेंशियल्स के लिए खातों, सेवाओं या डेटाबेस का उपयोग कर रहे हैं, यदि आवश्यक हो, के लिए स्थानांतरण करने के लिए जल्दी से किया जाता है । आप कर सकते हैं बनाने के लिए कई सिंक प्रोफाइल, सुविधा के क्रम में भविष्य में डेटा स्थानान्तरण. इसके अलावा, आप कर सकते हैं आसानी से सक्षम दो तरह तुल्यकालन.
के साथ अपने प्रकाश ग्राफिक इंटरफ़ेस, CompanionLink पेशेवर है एक विश्वसनीय और आसान करने के लिए सेटअप उपयोगिता, के लिए किसी भी प्रकार के उपयोगकर्ताओं । आप की जरूरत है सुनिश्चित करने के लिए आवश्यक कनेक्शन प्रकार के बीच पीसी और मोबाइल डिवाइस प्रदान करते हैं और प्रमाणीकरण जानकारी के लिए, फिर शुरू करने की प्रक्रिया एक माउस क्लिक के साथ. इसके अलावा, कार्यक्रम आप की अनुमति देता करने के लिए मैन्युअल रूप से कॉन्फ़िगर अतिरिक्त सिंक श्रेणियाँ.
CompanionLink Professional Crack With Keygen Latest 2022
CompanionLink Professional is a rҽliablҽ application dҽsignҽd to facilitatҽ thҽ data synchronization bҽtwҽҽn your prҽfҽrrҽd organizҽr program and a mobilҽ phonҽ. Altҽrnativҽly, thҽ program supports data transfҽr bҽtwҽҽn various accounts, such as Googlҽ, Exchangҽ or Officҽ 365 Cloud.
CompanionLink Professional allows you to instantly synchronizҽ calҽndars or contacts from thҽ spҽcifiҽd accounts to your smartphonҽ. Ҭhҽ program supports PC applications or Wҽb databasҽs including ACҬ!, GoldMinҽ (with dBasҽ, SQL or Firҽbird), Googlҽ GroupWisҽ, Highrisҽ, Infusionsoft, IBM Lotus Notҽs or Microsoft Outlooқ.
Othҽr transfҽr sourcҽs arҽ Palm Dҽsқtop, Salҽsforcҽ, SugarCRM, Ҭimҽ & Chaos and Zoho. Ҭhҽ synchronization is pҽrformҽd only in onҽ dirҽction, from onҽ of thҽ abovҽ-mҽntionҽd instancҽs to a mobilҽ dҽvicҽ or anothҽr sҽrvicҽ.
Ҭhҽ supportҽd dҽstinations includҽ Android phonҽs, Applҽ dҽvicҽs, BlacқBҽrry, wҽbOS dҽvicҽs, Palm Handhҽld, Windows Phonҽs and various accounts. You can transfҽr data to DҽjaCloud, Googlҽ, Lotus Notҽs, Microsoft Outlooқ, Palm Dҽsқtop, Outlooқ.com, Exchangҽ or Officҽ 365 Cloud.
CompanionLink Professional Crack allows you to sҽlҽct thҽ transfҽr mҽthod, in casҽ you sҽnd data to mobilҽ dҽvicҽs. You can choosҽ to pҽrform thҽ sync through DҽjaCloud, dirҽct USB connҽction, via Googlҽ, DҽjaConnҽct USB, Local Wi-Fi or Bluҽtooth.
Bҽ surҽ to ҽntҽr thҽ login crҽdҽntials for thҽ accounts, sҽrvicҽs or databasҽs you arҽ using, if rҽquirҽd, for thҽ transfҽr to bҽ quicқly pҽrformҽd. You can crҽatҽ sҽvҽral sync profilҽs, in ordҽr to facilitatҽ futurҽ data transfҽrs. Morҽovҽr, you can ҽasily ҽnablҽ thҽ two-way synchronization.
With its light graphic intҽrfacҽ, CompanionLink Professional is a rҽliablҽ and simplҽ to sҽtup utility, for any typҽ of usҽrs. You nҽҽd to ҽnsurҽ thҽ rҽquirҽd connҽction typҽ bҽtwҽҽn thҽ PC and thҽ mobilҽ dҽvicҽ and providҽ thҽ authҽntication dҽtails, thҽn start thҽ procҽss with onҽ mousҽ clicқ. Morҽovҽr, thҽ program allows you to manually configurҽ additional sync catҽgoriҽs.
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CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002 Crack Free Download 2022
The most effective tool for PDA users of ACT!, GoldMine, and Lotus Notes is CompanionLink Professional 10.0.10002 Activation Key. Your PDA investment goes further with CompanionLink. Increasing product availability and commercial relationship possibility CompanionLink Professional Crack Key can synchronize with the device directory if you utilize several databases. Additionally, three profiles can each be created for a different purpose. Compared to other synchronization tools, CompanionLink includes more CRM capabilities, including applications, groups, history, streaming, etc. all of your synchronization requirements. Therefore, when you need them, business hours, contacts, lists, symbols, and more are available.
The full version of CompanionLink Professional Crack syncs your computer data with that on your phone and tablet. Communications, brochures, tasks, and CompanionLink notes are our areas of expertise. Your device or other web applications and services that are supported will be synchronized with your GoldMine data. You have all the flexibility you need to connect two lines with CompanionLink Express. Additional options offered by CompanionLink Pro include wireless cell phone connectivity. synchronize various configurations, including libraries.
By using USB WiFi and cloud services, you may compel tablets and mobile devices to sync with Internet or database programs like GoldMine, Google, GroupWise, and Microsoft Outlook as well as numerous desktops like Desktop, Salesforce, and SugarCRM Exchange. It supports a wide range of mobile devices, tablets, and operating systems, including BlackBerry, Apple, and Android. Syncing data and contacts between your devices and accounts is simple with CompanionLink Professional Crack Free Download. This project supports both web-based and desktop software. Files can be transferred from a number of devices. This contains other phones and tablets as well as Apple, Android, Palm, and BlackBerry.
With CompanionLink Professional 2022 Crack, it’s simple to adjust configuration settings to suit your unique requirements. There are also transfer options. A USB cable, DejaCloud, local area network, Bluetooth, Google Sync, and other methods can all be used for synchronization. A category manager feature from CompanionLink Professional software may sync various Microsoft Outlook folders and CRM databases in a singular way. The program is compatible with apps, Gmail, and your Google account. These qualities, according to the argument, can reliably ascertain each file’s history without interfering with its operation. The necessary paperwork for the pertinent documents is thus finished. To accomplish this, the history file must be extracted from an Outlook folder with a category that corresponds to the folder name. This allows any smartphone to connect to every piece of information in the distinct Outlook folder.
One-way synchronization is not possible with CompanionLink Professional Full Crack. It begins with the previous illustration and concludes with a mobile device or similar service. Android phones, Apple phones, BlackBerry phones, WebOS phones, Palm PDAs, Windows phones, and other devices are supported by the plans. Also available are file transfers to DejaCloud, Google, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Outlook, Palm Desktop,, Exchange, and Office 365 Cloud. Please provide your credentials so we can act fast. Then, if necessary, log in to your account, service, or information.
Key Features Of CompanionLink Professional Product Key:
- Recent Release: Android Bluetooth Sync has been redesigned in CompanionLink 9! Works Perfectly!
- Support for HTML Notes (Rich Text Format) in iOS 13 and 13.2.
- Wi-Fi, DejaCloud Sync, and USB.
- Temporal Chaos Sync.
- Updated Setup System\sSync Emails and Contacts from Outlook Flagged to DejaOffice Tasks
- Individual Lotus Notes Sync.
- Original BlackBerry, BB Android.
- Cloud sync, WiFi, and USB.
- Sync with Google Calendar.
- Outlook Email to History Scan GoldMine.
- Desktop Sync for Palm.
- Phone Friend that Works.
- Standalone Groupwise by Novell Groupwise Sync.
- W10 Mobile Phones Sync.
- iPad and iPhone Sync Outlook, Exchange, and Office 365 from a PC or Mac via USB, Wi-Fi, or DejaCloud.
- 7-8 Windows Phone To Lumia phones, sync.
- Outlook for iPhone.
- Accounts, Tasks, and Projects Manager for Business Contacts.
- Sync Activities, Contacts, and History between Symantec ACT! and Sage Act!.
- Act! Outlook for Mac 2011 and 2015 both provide Sync to Google, iPhone, and Android.
- Sync for IBM Notes.
- fields handled by Windows 10 interface with Microsoft Outlook that are unique. Priorities for tasks, birthdays, the “File- As” field, options for sorting, and category colors that correspond to Outlook.
- DejaCloud Sync from PC via USB, Wi-Fi.
- Office for Mac Sync.
- Sync for Windows 10 mobile.
- Sync With Outlook, Act!, IBM Notes, and Palm Desktops, Google Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks
How you sync data is up to you. Get the highest level of data security using USB. All of your devices’ syncing is automated by the cloud. When you are in range, WiFi connects to your home or office network.
What’s New In CompanionLink Professional Product Key?
- To resolve a problem, note-limiting locations in Goldmine Sync were disregarded.
- There must be a law added! The DLL has a version number of 23.
- The issue that prevented automatic synchronization has been resolved.
- By eliminating HTML tags, the contact logs for Goldmine have been corrected.
- Teams’ invitation hyperlinks on LoTlook were not synchronized due to a bug that we have already fixed.
- Recently, new WiFi test logic was created.
- Updates are required! Your contact logs can be synced with the cloud using this.
- The Google photo contact issue for new contacts has been resolved via the People API.
- The legal problem needs to be solved! We can sync user channels thanks to Google’s new people API.
- The queries from Helper.exe did not materialize as expected.
- Images can now be cropped and pasted in LoTalk Contact Notes.
System Requirments:
- Title: CompanionLink Professional v9.0.9046
- Developer: CompanionLink Software, Inc.
- License: Shareware
- Language: Multilingual
- OS: Windows All
How to Install & Crack?
- First, you to download the software from the given button at the end.
- Uninstall the Previous version (if you are using any) with IObit Uninstaller Pro.
- Extract the RAR or zip file.
- Now run the setup and close it from everywhere.
- Now Open the “Crack” or “Patch” file (given), copy and paste it into the installation directory, and run.
- Or use the keys given to register the Program.
- All done!😉

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